The biggest rewards come to those who have the courage to accept the difficult tasks without complaint, to take risks, and to do the things that others find too uncomfortable.

If you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life!!!

Things are never as difficult as you thought, once you get started!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Great stuff to live by!

Always be yourself.  Never try to hide who you are.  
The only shame is to have shame.  
Always stand up for what you believe in.  
Always question what other people tell you.  
Never regret the past.  It's a waste of time.  
There's a reason for everything.  
Every mistake, every moment of weakness, 
every terrible thing that has happened to you.  
Grow from it.  The only way you can ever get the 
respect of others is when you show them that 
you respect yourself and most importantly, 
do your thing and never apologize for being you.  
-Author Unknown


Saturday, October 29, 2011

This Moment

{this moment}     

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Story

My beautiful friend wrote the below story.  Her name is Dorey and she has 3 awesome boys.  She is one of the best Moms I know and her kids are so lucky to have her.  When I read this story I could not stop giggling all day and wanted to pass on the smiles to other Moms that can relate to this.  Hope you enjoy this story as much as I do....
So the other night I was walking up my stairs to go to bed when I saw a HUGE black bug on my stairs, I had never seen anything like it. It was moving it's legs up in the air at me! I knew my boys would want to see this thing so I RAN to the kitchen and grabbed a jar, luckily the bug was still there when i came back.  It took me a few minutes to gather up enough courage to put the jar over the bug, but with a couple short screams, I finally did! I then went and grabbed a piece of paper and carefully slid it under the jar! All in all it took about 15 minutes to capture the thing! I then took it into the light to see it closer and saw that it was.....a black feather from my Halloween costume.
Scary Feather
 Thank you Dorey for putting a smile on my face all day!!  I love you!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
 "It's kind of fun to do the impossible." 
-Walt Disney

Monday, October 24, 2011


I went upstairs to check on Connor who was supposed 
to be taking a nap...... gorgeous son has taken his pants off...put his shirt on his head and is looking at himself in the mirror, cracking himself up.  We had to run for the camera...haha  
So much for nap time today.  :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pancakes Anyone?

I love having my husband home on a weekend day.  I love having breakfast with all of us just sitting, talking about what we want to do today, just being together.  It is very rare for us to be able to have breakfast as a whole family so when we get to...we sure make a big deal of it.  Today we made Organic Gluten Free, Dairy Free chocolate chip pancakes. They were so good.

Here is what you need:

Simply Organic Pancake and Waffle Mix 
Simply Organic Pure Vanilla Extract 
Simply Organic Cinnamon
Imagine Rice Dream Drink 
Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
Organic eggs
Organic Maple Syrup 
Organic Smart Balance Butter
Cast Iron Griddle  

Here is the recipe:
1 cup pancake mix
1 large egg
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
palm size hand of chocolate chips

Heat your cast iron skillet....mix all together and make pancakes.  You can add as much as you want of everything.  

For us..I have to use the whole box of pancake mix...3 eggs...about 2 cups of rice milk...a pour of vanilla....lots of cinnamon...lots of chocolate chips...and lots of love.  Matt made sure he filled our bowl of pancake mix with all the love he could give.  He said his heart was so full and it was pouring out.  

I only buy the pancake mix, vanilla, and cinnamon off of Amazon but I wanted to show you pictures of everything I use.  I got my griddle at Walmart.  Enjoy!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

This Moment

{this moment}     

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.  These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.  Beautiful people do not just happen.

Elizabeth Kubler Ros

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
The worst thing you can do is not to try, to be aware of what you want and not even giving it a go, to spend years wondering if something could have worked - never knowing.... Come on, Get up, Get going, at least give it a try.
-Think and Grow Rich-Success Group

Saturday, October 8, 2011

This Moment

{this moment}     

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
~ Earl Nightingale

Saturday, October 1, 2011

This Moment

{this moment}     

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.

The best way to cheer yourself is to try and 
cheer up somebody else.
-Mark Twain

Saturday, September 24, 2011

This Moment

{this moment}     

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Incredible Day

My son Matt came home from Kindergarten today and yelled that he had an "INCREDIBLE" day!  He then said "look Mom...I'm wearing my incredible underwear, it sure helped...seeeeee."  as he proceeded to show all of us that he was wearing his actual "The Incredibles" underwear.   haha

Are you having an incredible day?? 
I sure hope you are!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.

"I'm grateful for ____________" 
Just answering this right now will shift your energy 
in a positive direction.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

This Moment

{this moment}     

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Just For Today

1.  Just for today I will be happy.  This assumes that what Abraham Lincoln said is true, that "most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."  Happiness is from within, it is not a matter of externals.

2.  Just for today I will try to adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires.  I will take my family, my business, and my luck as they come and fit myself to them.

3.  Just for today I will take care of my body.  I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, not abuse it or neglect it, so that it will be a perfect machine for my bidding.

4.  Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind.  I will learn something useful.  I will not be a mental loafer.  I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.

5.  Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways; I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out.  I will do at least two things I don't want to do, as William James suggests, just for exercise. 

6.  Just for today I will be agreeable.  I will look as well as I can, dress as becomingly as possible, talk low, act courteously, be liberal with praise, criticize not at all, nor find fault with anything and not try to regulate nor improve anyone.

7.  Just for today I will try to live through this only, not to tackle my whole life problem at once.  i can do things for twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep them up for a lifetime.

8.  Just for today I will have a program.  I will write down what i expect to do every hour.  I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it.  It will eliminate two pests, hurrying and indecision.

9.  Just for today I will have a quiet half-hour all by myself and relax.  In this half-hour sometimes I will think of God, so as to get a little more perspective into my life.

10. Just for today I will be unafraid, especially I will not be afraid to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful, to love, and to believe that those I love, love me.

-Written by the late Sibyl F. Partridge       

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 
"I will try again tomorrow.”

Monday, September 12, 2011


Another school year has started.  I'm one of the moms that feel sad when school starts.  I don't like having my children gone.  I love having them home.  I know...I know...I'm not the norm.  lol  A lot does have to do with their allergies.  I have to worry about them eating something from someone else, playing with play-doh, fruit-loop necklaces, pasta drawings...etc.  I have to worry how they are going to feel when another kid brings in cupcakes for the class and my kids can't have one.  I don't want them picked on because they are different.

My kids are done with the candida cleanse.  They finished the day before school started.  They were so excited because they could add in bread.  That means sandwiches for school.  We are still not adding in sugar so we decided instead of jelly we would do a peanut butter and banana sandwich.  They love them.  I also found new bread at the store.  I haven't tried it yet since I am still on the cleanse but the kids absolutely love it!  The bread is gluten free and a lot of the ingredients are organic.  Also no sugar is in the bread which is a huge plus.  The bread is Rudi's.  It is soft and looks like regular wheat filled bread.   I'm super excited to try it in a couple weeks.   So this is what is in their lunch.  A sandwich, green beans, piece of fruit, and organic raisins.  They love it!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

This Moment

{this moment}     

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.

“Nothing is set in stone. Not even darkness.” 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} -    

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
 “Don’t let yesterday
use up too much of today.”
~ Native American Proverb

Monday, August 29, 2011


Hi guys!  Hope everyone is doing great.  We are doing really good.  Hurricane Irene hit this weekend here.  My husband had to go out to sea on his submarine...leaving me and my kids home alone for it.  I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't scared.  I was.  It was my first hurricane and I was nervous.  My kids were amazing though.  They were so very brave.  We were out of power for 13 hours yesterday which wasn't as bad as some other areas around here.  We had a lot of rain and the wind was crazy!  We ended up playing board games and doing skits while waiting it out.

The only problem we faced was we are all on a Candida Yeast Cleanse.  Today is our 3 week mark.  What is Candida Yeast you ask?  Candida is an organism that normally lives in your intestinal  tract as harmless yeast.  This yeast has the ability to change into pathogenic fungus causing toxicity in your body.  There are so many symptoms caused by the fungus.  Some of the major symptoms are sugar cravings, allergies, depression, brain fog, acid reflux, low energy, and fatigue.  We have major you can tell from our blog.  haha  That is why we decided to do this cleanse.

The first weeks we can only eat meat, veggies, and fruit.  So with the possibility of losing power for a long time or having to go to a shelter would have been very hard on us since we can't eat soup from a can or cereal, bread, etc. Our gas stove worked during the 13 hours we had no power so I was able to cook. Yay!

We have been feeling great on the cleanse.  I can tell a huge difference in my middle son's appetite.  He is 4.  3 weeks ago we had to beg, hope, get upset for him to finish dinner.  He now eats at least 2 plates full if not more.  He says he feels so much better.  I have been getting a lot more energy.  Its wonderful. 

If you would like more information on Candida Yeast this link is great.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
“What would you attempt to do
if you knew you could not fail?”

author unknown

Saturday, August 13, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} -    

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby Step Series # 8

I hope you enjoyed reading Chapter 6 on How to Never Get Sick Again.  It sure is a lot of information and a lot of stuff to change in your life...but do it in baby steps.  Don't overwhelm yourself by changing everything in the chapter.  Pick what is most important to you and change that...then so on and so forth.

I received a lot of emails and texts saying that you finished the book.  That you couldn't put it down and just finished reading.  I am so proud of you.  For the other people doing it slow we are on to Baby Step #8. 

Baby Step # 8
Read Chapters 7-10 


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
 "I feel energized and happy when I eat well. Eating good, nutritious food is deeply pleasurable whether I am at home, in a restaurant, camping, hiking, or taking my lunch break at the office. I love myself; therefore, I choose to be aware of what I put in my mouth and how it makes me feel." 
- Louise L. Hay

Saturday, August 6, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} -    

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm back

Hi Everyone!!!  I am back home now.  I didn't get a chance to even get on the computer in the couple days we were gone.  Where did I go??  you ask....

I went to Chicago with my hubby for a 3 day seminar with Kevin Trudeau.  Yes...KT the author of Natural Cures...the book we are doing the baby steps with.  It was completely amazing!!!  He is so inspirational and lights a fire under peoples butts to start achieving their dreams!!  I know he lighted a fire under ours.  Hehe  We learned so much from him that we are still taking it all in.

We picked up a cd called The Success Secrets "they" don't want you to know about.  Its an introduction to Your Wish Is Your Command.  It is the Think and Grow Rich series of our time.  If you want a copy email me your address at  The series Your Wish Is Your Command has changed our lives and given us so much control in our future.  We love it and I know you will too!!

Next week we will continue our baby steps! 

Love to you all!!  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Next Organics

I just bought these today.  It was the first time I have seen them in our grocery store.  They are organic and the organic symbol is on the back.  I have missed chocolate covered anything since going Organic.  This brand has so many different chocolate covered things it was hard to choose which one to try first.  This and dark chocolate covered cashews were the two I was thinking about getting.  These won.  

So how did they taste?  They are so yummy!  
I had to put them up so I wouldn't eat all of them in one sitting!  

They also reminded me of years ago when me and my family would sit down to play cards and have 
all kinds of snacks to eat.  We had chocolate covered cherries, chocolate covered cashews, 
regular nuts, candy, the list goes on and on.  

What a neat memory just tasting these brought to me! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} -    

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby Step Series #7

"We spend more money on health care than ever before.  We take more drugs than ever before, yet we are sicker than ever before."

What an opening for Chapter 5.  Did those two sentences get you thinking?  I think chapter 5 is so important to read.  It was so eye opening for me and really got me to understand how many things I was doing on a daily basis that was putting my family and I in harm.  Microwaving for an example.  I had no idea that it actually changes the structure and life energy of the food.  Knowing what I put into the microwave is not what comes out, helped us to quit using it.  Our family has not used the microwave since January 1st.  The first couple days was hard...I did not realize how much I was using it.  I steamed veggies in it, heated up my babies bottle (eeeekkk), reheated leftovers, etc.  I just had to rethink how to make and do those things safely.  My baby didn't mind a room temperature bottle...I heated left overs in a pan.....steamed veggies with water.....We adapted just fine.  haha  And as I write this I can not believe its been 7 1/2 months and we don't even think about using the microwave.  That was one of the easiest things to change in our lives.  Someday we are going to get a toaster oven.  It does everything a microwave can do but doesn't change your food into something unnatural.  You can store your leftovers in glass containers and just pop them into the toaster oven for reheating.  Simple!  

I have loved receiving all the emails about chapter 5.  I love hearing how you feel and think about this book.  I know its life changing. It sure changed mine.  Ok....on to the next baby step.  I know how exciting this next chapter sounds!!!!  Are you ready???? 

Baby Step #7:

Read all of Chapter 6 
How to never get sick again

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.
 “You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” 
- Christopher Columbus

Monday, July 18, 2011


We love tacos in this house. 

The kids love to eat them and I love to make them.  They are fast and super easy.  If I am behind on getting dinner started for the day, I can whip this up in no time at all.  Here is the recipe:

1 lb Organic-Grass Fed Beef Hamburger
1 Organic Onion
1 cup of Muir Glen Organic Diced Tomatoes
1 can of Westbrae Natural Vegetarian Organic Pinto Beans
1 cup of Raw Organic Valley Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 tablespoon Simply Organic Garlic Powder
1 tablespoon Simply Organic Pepper
1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon Pacific Salt Organic Fine Sea Salt
1 teaspoon Simply Organic Cumin Seed Ground
1 box of Little Bear Yellow Taco Shells 

Cut up onion and put into Cast Iron Pan.  Turn heat to medium on stove top.  Add hamburger, garlic powder, pepper, sea salt (minus the 1 teaspoon) and cook until done.  Add in tomatoes and turn to simmer.  Simmer for 10 minutes.

While hamburger is cooking, add pinto beans, the 1 teaspoon of sea salt, and cumin to stainless steel sauce pan.  Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally.  You can see my saucepan behind the hamburger.   

Turn oven to 350 degrees and put taco shells on stainless steel cookie sheet and bake for 5 minutes.

When everything is done assemble tacos with cheese and add beans on the side.  Enjoy!!

You can add any toppings you want like diced tomatoes, lettuce, salsa, etc.  You can also add in more spices or use less....whatever you and your family prefer.  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} -    

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Baby Step Series #6

How did everyone like Chapter 4?  Pretty eye opening right?  How interesting that we eat food loaded with toxins....get sick...then start taking a drug for the symptom (not the cause)...then get sick with something else...start taking another drug for that symptom (again not helping with the cause) and so on and so forth.  How much money do they make on us being sick?  Do you think they are sitting at the top just laughing at us?  Thinking how dumb we are to keep this cycle going and never try to change it? 

Ready to learn some more??? 

Onto Baby Step #6:
Read all of Chapter 5


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Positive Thinking

Let's get inspired!!
Positive Thinking every Wednesday.
A simple, remarkable thought to uplift you.  
Positive thinking can improve your life and the power of it will bring you happiness.    
“Today I can do anything I put my mind to.”  
-Louise L. Hay

Monday, July 11, 2011

Spring Lake Gardens

Last week my kids and I visited Spring Lake Gardens Farm.  It was such a beautiful farm.  Mike, Andy, and Mel are the farmers.  It was fun to see all the veggies they were growing.  Mel went around and explained how they grow each different vegetable.  She also has recipes on her site using the vegetables they grow.  How neat is that!!  Andy and Mike explained how they get the seeds ready and showed us the organic seeds they use and organic fertilizer.  It was awesome!       

This is their philosophy:

"At Spring Lake Gardens we do not use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. We adhere to the standards set forth in The Farmer's Pledge. Our methods are designed to build the sustainability of our farm, meaning that we are working to create a farm that not only produces delicious food, but also produces the fertility to grow it!"
"We are committed to using our time to grow outstanding produce, and to do so using techniques which are balanced, produce food with high nutrient density, and which develop the sustainability of our farm. By sustainability we mean the ability of the farm to supply it's own nutrients via the practicing of well designed husbandry. We believe strongly that beautiful, healthy and delicious foods are the byproduct of a healthy agricultural system, and cannot be duplicated with artificial nutrients or in unbalanced ecosystems."

They have a little pond on the property which is so cute and refreshing.  My baby Connor loved putting his hands in the stream.  

My other two boys loved walking the board bridge across the stream.  They thought it was so cool. 

They also have a couple of pets.  Amico is the dog, along with Jenga, Attilla, and Gilligan who are the cats.  Amico and the cats are solely responsible for keeping the farm charming, affectionate, and unpredictable. Amico loved my boys and my boys loved him.  He played fetch with them for hours.  It was a total blast! 

Amico swimming after the ball

 What a wonderful family and what a wonderful farm.  
Thank you so much for letting us visit.  We had such a great day there! 

Here is the link to their website:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} -    

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Baby Step Series #5

How did everyone do on reading Natural Cures to chapter 4?  
I received a lot of texts and emails saying how much it has already opened people's eyes.  How it got them thinking about healthcare and what they put into their bodies.  I love hearing how you feel about this!
 "Being sick is not "normal," it is abnormal." 

I think that sentence is one of my favorite things KT says in his book.  I remember thinking oh it's flu season.  Let's plan on being sick.  Or my kids are in school..of course they will get sick.  When the weather changes or holidays come or work gets stressed we believe we should get sick.  We have got to change this way of thinking.  Being sick should not just happen. We should not plan for it.  
We can change getting sick.

Ok....on to baby step #5:

Read all of Chapter 4

 "So let's begin the journey together, and 
when you conclude this book I promise you one thing...
you will never be the same!"  
~Kevin Trudeau

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} -    

A Saturday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

I was inspired by my sister-in-law.  If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to see.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Baby Step Series #4

Did everyone get their hands on the book Natural Cures "they" don't want you to know about?  Awesome!  I received some emails from people saying they have already started reading and could barely put it down for dinner.   That is what happened to me...I couldn't put it down once I started.  There is so much information in this book and it really gets you thinking about why you do things.  
Ok..this week we are going to jump in and start reading.  
So baby step #4 is....

  To read up to and stop at Chapter 4 

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Ice Cream"

Since we became Dairy Free the biggest question I get asked again and again is....
"How do we deal with not having ice cream?  Especially the kids, ice cream is a way of life!"

I agree.  We love ice cream.  After a long day nothing is better than a bowl of ice cream.   We love the So Delicious Coconut Milk so we thought we would try their Dairy Free Ice Cream.  One bite and we all were hooked.   This is so good.
If we weren't dairy free, we would still eat this.


We love to top it with:
Organic Strawberry Jam
Organic Gluten Free Dairy Free Chocolate Chips
Organic Chocolate Sprinkles
The list goes on and on!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby Step Series #3

What did you think about the documentary Food Matters?  For me watching it again was even better than the first time.  There were a lot of things I had forgotten and it was great to be reminded why I am doing this.  I think this documentary really gets you thinking.

51% of your food should be Raw to help out your immune system
"A pill for every ill" 
"You are what you eat"
Chocolate can be a super food!!  (love that one lol)

There were so many great points but one that really hit home for me the first time I watched it was when they talked about how we spend our money today.  How we spend a lot of money on new cars or new clothes or tvs but we don't spend a lot of money on food.  In fact most people hate buying food and spending money on it.  I used to feel that way.  When I went Organic I decided I would never again complain how much money I spent on food instead I was going to enjoy that I was buying great food to feed my family.  

Grocery money goes to such an important part of our lives.  

Don't you think you should feel good about spending money on great food?  

Don't you think you should feel happy that you are providing such wonderful sustenance to your family?  

Infuse your food with love.  

Infuse your food with happiness.  


Ok....are you ready for for your third baby step?  The third baby step is to get the book:

Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About
by Kevin Trudeau

I will give you all week to just get the book.  You can go to the library, you can borrow it, you can buy it, see if you can find it at Goodwill or a used book store.  Just get your hands on a copy.  haha   We don't have to do any reading of it yet and we will be breaking it down into baby steps.  This book as so much information in it.  I'm excited to read it again!!!  If you live by me, I have a couple copies if you want to borrow them.  