The biggest rewards come to those who have the courage to accept the difficult tasks without complaint, to take risks, and to do the things that others find too uncomfortable.

If you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life!!!

Things are never as difficult as you thought, once you get started!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Gluten

Saying goodbye to pizza, bagels, pasta, cookies 4 years ago may sound like torture but it was nothing short of a miracle to me. Within days I was already feeling better...No more tummy aches, canker sores, and I had so much energy. I knew I was going to live this lifestyle 100%. I was not going to go back to living my life half way. I loved that I was feeling better and could not wait for the next day just knowing it was going to get better and better.

I ate a lot of meat and potatoes the first couple of weeks while researching what I could have and not have. I went through my kitchen, refrigerator, freezer and boxed up all the food with gluten in it and gave it to my neighbors. It was so much food that I remember being astounded of how much gluten I actually ate and how many things had gluten in them. Things like shredded cheese and spices. Food you would think that wouldn't have gluten in it. It wasn't natural.

I also realized I was going to learn how to cook. I was never really a "cooking from scratch" type of person. I was more of a "open a box" kinda of girl. I got a couple of gluten free cookbooks to start with but became overwhelmed with all the different kinds of flours the recipes needed to make one thing. I decided I needed easier recipes to start with. I found all purpose flour from Bob's Redmill. Yay! Only one flour now. After making a couple of baked things that didn't not turn out I realized I need Xantham Gum....What an adventure cooking had become for me. I loved it though. I remember the first time my banana bread came out delicious and soft, exactly the way it was supposed to be, I was so excited I shared a piece with everyone. haha

I order a lot of my stuff from Buying in bulk makes the items so much cheaper than buying them in a grocery store. Here are some things I loved before becoming Organic Gluten Free:

Gluten Free Pantry Favorite Sandwich Bread Mix: Very easy to make....Awesome bread!
Pamela's Baking and Pancake Mix: Great pancakes!!
Betty Crocker Gluten free Mixes: We loved them all!
Chex Cereal: Cinnamon was our favorite!

If you want more of my favorite gluten free items let me know!

(picture from


  1. That was quite the challenge when Lee went gluten-free as well (cooking from scratch). He ate mostly veggies and rice all the time until I found myself unemployed and had time to cook for him. I cook dinners for the entire family gluten-free about 4 to 5 days a week now and I love to surprise him with homemade gluten-free cookies! ;0)

  2. That is great! I bet he loves it!!! :)
