The biggest rewards come to those who have the courage to accept the difficult tasks without complaint, to take risks, and to do the things that others find too uncomfortable.

If you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life!!!

Things are never as difficult as you thought, once you get started!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Becoming Gluten Free

I want to welcome you to my organic gluten free life. I haven't always been organic gluten free. Let me give you some background. I have been gluten free for 4 years this month. I was sick for at least 12 years or more before finding out gluten was causing my symptoms. I went to Dr after Dr looking for a cure to my tummy aches, my chronic fatigue, and my mood. They would run test after test but come up with nothing. It got to the point where the Dr asked me if I needed counseling since my symptoms seemed to be made up in my head.

From there I figured I would always live like this. That is when I started getting canker sores. Not just one or two but about thirty at a time. It was horrible and I would cry looking for a cure. My husband then joined the Military. I had a 3 year old and a 1 month old. I remember eating a bowl of cereal and getting sick and crying. I remember thinking how am I going to take care of 2 kids with my husband in the Military being sick everyday. That same night, my dad watched a medical mystery show and the lady was allergic to gluten and had some of the same symptoms. He called me the next day and told me all about it. That day I stopped eating gluten and by lunch I knew this was the cause. Within 24 hours I felt better than I had ever before.

I was gluten free for 3 weeks then ate gluten for 1 week so I could get tested for Celiac disease. That week was horrible. I vowed never to eat gluten again even if I didn't have Celiac disease. The test came back...I have Celiac disease and thyroid disease. I was so excited to finally have an answer!! I stopped eating gluten and never looked back. Being gluten free has changed my life!

The best book I read to get a better understanding of this disease and lifestyle was Living Gluten-Free for Dummies by Danna Korn. This was an amazing broke everything down in a simple way. If you are going to start being gluten free or are gluten free and want more information I highly recommend it.

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